Our lives are full of conflicts and suffering, in many different forms, resulting in a feeling of bondage that we experience in our body-minds. We find our limitations restrictive and frustrating, hoping to find everlasting harmony. A clear understanding of our true nature and perceiving our reality, is essential for freedom from all suffering.
We seek a feeling of wholeness, happiness, peace, absolute fulfilment, no conflicts and nothing lacking. All of this is the fragrance of who we really are, but our reality is now hidden, covered under the illusions of accumulated false identifications.
The paradox of liberation is, that the more we seek it, the more we move away from it, because we are it, we already are that which we seek. In reality we already are liberated and there is no suffering. This sounds ludicrous, considering we spend most of our lives trying to overcome suffering, which indeed feels very real to us.
To find out if freedom is ever possible, we need to understand the complete mechanism of our suffering. We have to expose its root cause, to understand if there is any possibility of liberation from it.
To understand this clearly, we need to start from the most reliable information that we have. Forgetting everything else that we think we know, we start from the absolute certain truth- following this thread, we try to understand the complex puzzle of freedom from suffering.
What do I know, that I can absolutely be certain of?
I know that I am, so my being is real. I can be confident about the absolute Reality of my being, because I am certain that I am. My being is the only fundamental and absolute certainty that I can know for sure. So, I can hold and follow this thread of absolute certainty.
I am, and I know that I am. These are simultaneous. I know that I am, is the first basic knowing. So, this thread of certainty that I am holding, has a being and a knowing element.
This ‘being-knowing’ is my certain Reality.
This certain background of being and knowing is always present, in all situations, at all times in my experience. Whenever I pay attention to it, I can know and confirm that I am.
There are other things that I perceive, which come and go. These include images, projections, thoughts, dreams, moods, emotions, physical sensations, all kinds of perceptions from surroundings, etc.
So, there are all of these myriad things that I perceive, and each one of these things is, there is an element of is-ness, or being in each one of these things, an element of reality.
The moment I perceive something, my reality comes in contact with the reality of that perceived object. The perceiver (I am) and the perceived (what is), merge to become one-alive-active-living-present- perception.
This perception at the moment of perceiving (knowing) is one, with no split, no duality. In the moment of actual perceiving, there is a dissolution of both the concepts of a ‘perceiver’ and ‘perceived’, and there is only one perceiving (knowing).
This knowing is an aspect of my being, in the thread of ‘being-knowing’, as our one certain reality.
At the instance of any knowing, there is a meeting of the apparent superficial differences of the knower and the known, into a single, whole, one knowing, and the duality is dissolved into oneness.
This demonstrates, that the duality before and after the moment of perception is merely a conceptual difference, the underlying Reality is one. Otherwise the perceiving would be impossible!
The reality of our being (I am) as the perceiver, and the reality of any perception that we can ever encounter (isness), is the same in the moment it is perceived! They meet and merge and dissolve into oneness, this is the only way any perceiving (knowing) can occur.
So, the ‘am–ness’ of my being and the ‘is-ness’ of everything else that exists, are one and the same! That is the Reality, the same Reality is what I am and what everything else is!
This one isness manifests in space and time within a set of nature’s rules, to create multiple diverse forms. These then follow their own course of growth, evolution, annihilation, merging and moving as a continuous flow of all that happens in the universe, in this world and in our lives.
The isness as manifestation, plays its game according to the rules of nature, which makes many things understandable, predictable and rational within the confines of what a human mind can conceive through its limited means.
We as humans, have evolved to be able to wonder and investigate the context in which we find ourselves. During our whole history, many humans have stumbled upon the insight that the isness in its purity is who we really are.
But why knowing this is important at all? How does it really matter? What does this piece of information really change for us?
Those who have realized this know, that this is the understanding of Self that can liberate us from the suffering we encounter in the game of manifestation, and they try to convey this to others, who are still veiled by ignorance and do not know who they really are. When experiential, known as an absolute living understanding, this insight is the freedom from all suffering.
Manifestation is real, not an illusion, when we look at it from the manifested world of forms and shapes. It is not homogeneous, there are ups and downs, there is every shade of colour in it, every emotion, every light and every dark is represented, but all of it together is one whole and everything in it is interconnected, with one underlying reality that shines through every form.
This whole, this ‘everything’, is made of the one reality, the one all-pervading substance, for which we have used many names. Consciousness, Awareness, Tao, Reality, Being, Is-ness, I am-ness, Oneness, are just a few of these names.
The only way to see the perfection, the beauty, the balance and harmony in manifestation is to see it as the whole, the complete picture as one image, one Reality.
If any part or a fragment is seen or experienced in isolation without the context of the whole, it is always misleading, because it is not a complete representation of the whole truth and therefore causes misunderstandings, illusions, ignorance, conflict and suffering.
There is no happiness found in a fragment when considered to be separate from the whole, because the separation is not real, it is an illusion, this is the basic ignorance which causes all suffering.
Recognizing our oneness with everything is the freedom from all suffering.
Ultimately everything in manifestation is just energy, vibrating in different ways to create the play of all colors, all objects and the whole diversity of life itself. Our Reality is the substrate, the supporting ground, the all-pervading fabric of isness itself, inherent in all of the manifestation.
Manifestation as isness is perfect, with no flaws. The flaws that are perceived by us humans are not the reality, they are apparent, an illusion, ‘maya’, a game, a play, a dream, but only when seen from the level of isness (which is our one and only Reality).
We as humans generally tend to see ourselves and everything around us as separate, and believe this separation to be the truth of how things really are. We generally consider ourselves a small part, a tiny fraction of this whole manifested isness that includes everything, the complete totality.
We believe that our ‘I am’ is confined inside a ‘body-mind’ and everything else is outside of it. But the ‘I am-ness’ and ‘is-ness’ of all that is, are the one same Reality, the same awareness, the same consciousness, with countless body-minds and everything else in it!
Any apparent separation is superficial, conceptual, unreal and illusory. This illusion of separation is the ignorance, the basic flaw in our understanding of the Reality, in which we find ourselves manifested.
As humans who seek liberation from suffering, we actually seek liberation from this illusion of separation, and when we are free from this ignorance, we realize that we always were and are already whole and perfect. We already are liberated! Our belief in separation was only a misunderstanding, it was never the truth of our reality.
Then, we do not identify with a fragment anymore, but recognize ourselves to be the isness, the being, of all that there is. As this all-pervading essence and oneness, we were and are always free. Recognizing our Reality, not just through the mind, but with our total being, and living with this recognition, is the freedom from all suffering!
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